Mobile FPS suffering due to slide-out drawer performance issues

My application features a drawer menu that functions smoothly on desktop, but experiences issues on mobile devices with noticeable lag.

Within the header, I have implemented a boolean value that toggles between true and false upon clicking the hamburger icon. This action adds an 'out' class to the '.container', causing it to slide out. The drawer is positioned absolutely on the page's top right corner. When the 'out' class is applied to the container, it shifts 280px to the right, revealing the drawer.

Below is a simplified version of the HTML and CSS code:

<div class="landing-page-container" ng-class="isMenuOut ? 'out' : ''">



  width: 280px;
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  right: 0;
  bottom: 0;
  z-index: -1;

  position: relative;
  transition: right 0.2s ease-in 0s;

  overflow: hidden;

If the provided details are insufficient for troubleshooting, please do let me know. Any red flags or additional information needed would be greatly appreciated for resolving this issue efficiently.

Answer №1

To achieve smooth animations, it is recommended to utilize 3D transforms.

When it comes to displaying content on the screen, the calculations can be handled by either the CPU or the GPU (graphics card). It is advisable to rely on the GPU for display tasks, especially for animation purposes.

How can you make sure your animations are hardware-accelerated by the GPU? By using translate3d! When you apply a transform using translate3d, the element is processed by the GPU in Webkit-based browsers such as Chrome and Safari (commonly used on devices like iPhones and iPads).

Here is an example showcasing this concept:

Key CSS Code from the fiddle

/* Transition effect and timing */
div {
    transform: translate3d(0, 0%, 0);
    transition: transform 500ms ease-in;

/* Applying transform when toggling class to hide the drawer */
.hide {
    transform: translate3d(-100%, 0, 0);

Test this approach on your devices experiencing performance issues and try changing the values to right similar to your original implementation to observe any differences.

Remember not to overuse the GPU; choose wisely when opting for hardware acceleration.

Answer №2

Experience a smoother movement by experimenting with a 2D transform

-ms-transform: translate(-280px,0); /* IE 9 */
-webkit-transform: translate(-280px,0); /* Safari */
transform: translate(-280px,0); /* Standard syntax */

Answer №3

Have you considered using TweenMax? This JavaScript animation library is known for its compatibility with Angular and its focus on performance. Check it out here:

Even Google has recommended TweenMax:

Here's an example of how you can use TweenMax in Angular to achieve a similar effect:

function(){, 0.3, {

This function will animate the 'right' property of someDomElementAsVariable to 350px over a duration of 0.3 seconds.

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