Troubleshooting Autocomplete User Interface Problems

I am currently working on a website user interface and I have encountered an issue specifically in IE7.

When searching for a company, the display is not showing up correctly, as demonstrated in the image below. This problem only occurs in IE7, it works fine in all other browsers. The search results should be at the top.

If anyone could provide assistance with this problem, it would be greatly appreciated.

For more information please visit:

Thank you!

Answer №1

1) To incorporate sharing buttons, consider adjusting the z-index of

with this code snippet:

#hurriyet-companySearch-widget-wrap {
    z-index: 3000;

2) For the flash chart, ensure the wmode attribute is set to opaque (if unsure how the SWF file is embedded, try changing the value using IE developer toolbar).

Answer №2

Ensure you review the z-index setting and increase the number for the dropdown (auto-fill) to ensure it appears on top of other elements.

Answer №3

For the z-index property to take effect, both the parent and child elements must be positioned in the document flow. It is important for the parent element to have its own z-index value as well. To avoid any conflicts, assign a lower z-index to the parent compared to the child.

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