Mixing together an array of colors, experimenting with adding a touch of transparency

Here is my first question, diving right in.

I recently created a canvas in HTML and followed a tutorial to generate random floating circles that interact with the mouse position......if you want to check it out, click here.

The issue I'm facing now is trying to add opacity to the colors in my array:

var colorArray = ['#ffffff','#cccccc',....etc];

I attempted switching the colors to RGB for transparency but ended up with a black screen instead.

Any suggestions?

(This is my initial post, so any help is appreciated)

Answer №1


let colorCodes = ['rgba(200, 150, 100, 0.6)','rgba(50, 100, 150, 0.4)', ....and so on];

The transparency level is determined by the last value in each RGBA color code.

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