Missing sidebar display

Hi there! I am having an issue with my sidebar not appearing correctly when I click on the toggle button. It seems to be moving to the side, but the sidebar itself is blank or transparent. I suspect that the problem lies within my JavaScript file. As a beginner in coding and this community, I would really appreciate some assistance. Thank you in advance!

/* Set the width of the sidebar to 250px and the left margin of the page content to 250px */
function openNav() {
    document.getElementById("mysidebar").style.width = "250px";
    document.getElementById("main").style.marginLeft = "250px";

/* Set the width of the sidebar to 0 and the left margin of the page content to 0 */
function closeNav() {
    document.getElementById("mysidebar").style.width = "0";
    document.getElementById("main").style.marginLeft = "0";

    <section id="mysidebar">
        <div class="sidebar">
                <li><a href="javascript:void(0)" class="closebtn" onclick="closeNav()">&times;</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">Chapter 1</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">Chapter 2</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">Chapter 3</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">Chapter 4</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">Chapter 5</a></li>

        <div id="main">
            <button class="openbtn" onclick="openNav()">&#9776;</button>
            <h2>Collapsed Sidebar</h2>        

    <script src="C:\Users\quinc\Documents\Developer\Project 2.0\js\members.js"></script>

I believe the issue might be related to my JS script. However, I am struggling to identify the exact problem.

If anyone could lend a hand, it would be greatly appreciated. This is my first project and I am new to coding. Below, I have provided my HTML, CSS, and JS code.

Thank you

Answer №1

Upon entering the main section mysidebar, it is noted that the width: 0 setting of the mysidebar section will only be triggered when the closeNav function is clicked.

However, simply adjusting the width to zero may not suffice due to the presence of the ul element within the sidebar division along with text within ul li a also occupying space. It is advised to utilize the css display property for a comprehensive solution.

The recommendation is to modify both the openNav and closeNav functions accordingly:

function openNav() {
    var sidebar = document.getElementById("sidebar");
    sidebar.style.width = "250px";
    sidebar.style.display = "block";
    document.getElementById("main").style.marginLeft = "250px";

/* Set the width of the sidebar to 0 and the left margin of the page content to 0 */
function closeNav() {
    document.getElementById("sidebar").style.display = "none";
    document.getElementById("main").style.marginLeft = "0";

Furthermore, ensure to update the html code by assigning an id attribute to the sidebar:

<div id="sidebar">
                <li><a href="javascript:void(0)" class="closebtn" onclick="closeNav()">&times;</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">Chapter 1</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">Chapter 2</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">Chapter 3</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">Chapter 4</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">Chapter 5</a></li>

Answer №2

Give this a shot:

function openMenu() {
    document.getElementById("sidebar").style.display = "inline-block";
    document.getElementById("mysidebar").style.width = "250px";
    document.getElementById("main").style.marginLeft = "250px";

  function closeMenu() {
    document.getElementById("sidebar").style.display = "none";
    document.getElementById("main").style.marginLeft = "0";
<section id="mysidebar">
  <div class="sidebar" id="sidebar" style="display: none;">
      <li><a href="javascript:void(0)" class="closebtn" onclick="closeMenu()">&times;</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">Chapter 1</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">Chapter 2</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">Chapter 3</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">Chapter 4</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">Chapter 5</a></li>

  <div id="main">
    <button class="openbtn" onclick="openMenu()">&#9776;</button>
    <h2>Collapsible Sidebar</h2>        

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