Minimal Space Separating Footer Division and Body Element

While there are numerous discussions online about fixing footer alignment issues, I've encountered a unique problem that needs addressing.

The issue at hand is a 29px gap between the bottom of the footer and the <body> tag on my webpage, which you can view at .

Regardless of the browser used, the persistent gap measures around 29 pixels. Even with a responsive design, adjusting screen width only alters the gap by half a pixel.

My method for calculating the gap size involves the following script in the inspector console:

$('body').height() - jQuery('#footer').offset().top - jQuery('#footer').height();

Despite running tests on various browsers, Chrome Inspector remains my primary tool for investigating this mystery. By examining computed styles, I have verified that neither the #footer div nor the body and html tags have margin or padding discrepancies.

A detailed analysis of the page structure confirms that the issue isn't related to a common "sticky" footer problem but rather something distinctive.

While the minor gap may not be immediately noticeable, resolving the root cause is important for peace of mind and thorough understanding.

Thank you.

Answer №1

One possible issue may be the presence of multiple pixel, JavaScript, and iframe trackers in your website's footer. It is important to ensure that these elements do not disrupt your overall design. Currently, there appears to be at least one iframe and one visible 1x1 pixel on your site.

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