Methods for presenting a list of textboxes representing a price list when a checkbox is clicked using CSS

When updating the supplier and store, the item list dynamically populates. When a user clicks on an item they want to order, how can I display the quantity textbox to the left of the checkbox using CSS?

Below is the code snippet for items and ordered quantities:

What are some styling options to ensure the ordered quantity appears next to the item?

Answer №1

Your label is enclosed in a div, but your input element is located outside of the div. To correct this, simply move the closing </div> tag after the <input ... /> tag.

Remember, DIVs act as containers on a webpage and having multiple containers can help organize the page layout effectively.

To optimize this div, you may consider adding display:flex to it:

<div key={item.ITEM} style={{display:flex}}>

This will ensure that everything appears on a single line. Keep in mind that flexbox affects only the immediate children of an element, and any element can be both a flex-child and a flex-parent simultaneously. (Note: The usage of the flex-child class below is for illustrative purposes only)

.flex-child{} /* Not necessary */
<div class="flex-parent">
  <div class="flex-parent flex-child" id="red">
    <div class="half flex-child">Bob</div>
    <div class="half flex-child">Sue</div>
  <div class="flex-child" id="blue"></div>
  <div class="flex-child" id="green"></div>
  <div class="flex-parent flex-child" id="gold">
    <div class="flex-child" id="sam">Sam</div>

For further guidance on utilizing flexbox efficiently, check out these helpful links. Learning flexbox is simpler than you think!

Best way to attach icon left to a text

How do I center child div in parent and have it fixed to the top?

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