I am currently in the process of transitioning from TinyMCE 3 to 4.
However, I am encountering difficulties when trying to get TinyMCE to fill its container with 100% height (which was working fine with TinyMCE 3).
Please refer to this fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/MLJaN/
In an attempt to set the iframe and all its parent elements to 100% height, I utilized the following CSS code. Though not ideal visually, I expected it to work:
body, html, .mce-tinymce, .mce-edit-area.mce-container, iframe, .mce-container-body.mce-stack-layout
height: 100% !important;
As observed in the live fiddle, the editor is exactly 34px taller than it should be, which corresponds to the toolbar's height.
The solution provided does function, however, it lacks automatic resizing with the browser and relies on calc(), which has limited support at approximately 79%: http://jsfiddle.net/MLJaN/2/
I am now seeking a pure CSS solution (without using calc() function) to ensure that the entire editor fills its container and can fluidly resize.
Any guidance on achieving this would be greatly appreciated.