Material UI - Clear all designs from the slate

Is it possible to completely override all default material-ui styles and implement your own custom style guide for components? This would involve removing all material-ui styles and starting fresh with customized html skeletons. Creating a new theme with mui or themeProvider for material-ui components does not seem to be sufficient.

I have examined the material-ui source code and noticed the styles.root variable. Is there a way to access this object and enhance its robustness? I am open to any suggestions and recommendations.

So far, the following methods have not been successful:

  • themeManager
  • muiTheme
  • inline styles (as you cannot access the child elements of the components)
  • class styles (as using !important with many css attributes is not ideal)

Answer №1

Instead of relying on pre-existing Material-UI styles, it may be beneficial to start fresh with their HTML structure.

Material UI has a unique approach where all CSS is controlled by JavaScript. This means that customization options are limited to what is available through ThemeManager.

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