Utilizing multiple classes in HTML for a button element


I've recently come across the concept that elements can have multiple classes. It's interesting, isn't it?

.rfrsh-btn {

    font-size: 0.85em;
    padding: 0;

Initially, this was working perfectly as an ID. However, after changing it to a class, I encountered a problem - the images disappeared.

Strangely, the <button> element refuses to display with the background image and styles applied to it.

Could there be a reason for this, or am I missing something obvious in my code?

Unfortunately, using an ID is not an option since it is repeated several times on the page.

Any insights or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all :)

Answer №1

There are a variety of factors that could be causing this issue. One possibility is that the image path you have specified is incorrect. It's important to remember that paths in CSS are relative to the location of the .css file, not the including page.

To better understand and troubleshoot the problem, I recommend using either Chrome for its debugging tools or Firefox with Firebug installed. These tools will allow you to inspect elements, analyze applied styles, identify any overlaps, and pinpoint images that the browser may not be able to locate.

For further information, check out this resource:

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