Material UI - Array of Chips

I have been working on creating a ReactJS component that displays an array of chips with unique styling for each one. To achieve this, I created individual makeStyles classes for the chips. However, I encountered difficulties in dynamically changing the class for each chip. Here is what I have done so far:

    const classes = useStyles();
      const [chipData, setChipData] = React.useState([
        { key: 0, label: 'Heating' },
        { key: 1, label: 'Printing' },
        { key: 2, label: 'Resetting' },
        { key: 3, label: 'Idle' },
        { key: 4, label: 'Suspended' },
        { key: 5, label: 'Suspend in Progress' },
        { key: 6, label: 'Attention - Printer Connection Lost' },
        { key: 7, label: 'Attention - Filament Out' },
        { key: 8, label: 'Attention - Cooldown Failed' },

      return (
        <Box display="flex" flexDirection="row" alignItems="flex-start" className={classes.container}>
          { => {

            return (
            <div classes={classes.chipContainer}>
              <li key={data.key}>
                  if (label === 'Heating') {

export default PrinterStatusTags

My approach includes using an if statement within the Chip element to assign specific classes based on the chip's label. I intended to have an if statement for each label, but I am facing the error message:

Parsing error: Unexpected token

I am open to suggestions on how to effectively assign classes based on each chip.

Answer №1

Revamped Answer

Here are two key improvements you can make:

  1. Introduce a new category attribute for each chip.
  2. Establish a mapping from the category (mentioned in point 1) to the respective styles.
const styleMapping = {
   first: styles.firstStyle,
   second: styles.secondStyle
   // ...

const [chipData, setChipData] = React.useState([
        { key: 0, label: 'Heating', category: 'first' },
        { key: 1, label: 'Printing', category: 'second' },
      // ....

Once the association between each chip and its category is defined, proceed with rendering:

return (
        <Box display="flex" flexDirection="row" alignItems="flex-start" className={styles.container}>
          { => {
            return (
            <div className={styles.chipContainer}>
              <li key={data.key}>
                  className={styleMapping[data.category]} />

Previous Response

To enhance your code, consider these recommendations:

  1. Utilize the className attribute instead of class (or classes).
  2. Implement the condition within the className property. Keep in mind that there are more efficient ways to assign the appropriate class, but this solution should suffice for now.

This snippet showcases the corrected version:

<div className={styles.chipContainer}>
      <li key={data.key}>
         <Chip label={data.label} className={ data.label === 'Heating' && styles.heatingTag}/>

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