Matching the height of table cells with the background height

I'm struggling with the height of a table cell that contains a background image. The width of the cell is set to be 100% of the page's width, and the image's background-size is also set to 100%. This setup makes the background image scale to match the width of the page.

However, I want the height of the cell to match the scaled image's height, resulting in a cell with both matching dimensions while maintaining the aspect ratio of the scaled image. How can this be achieved using CSS?


I am trying to replicate the primary image on . I aim to overlay text on top of this image.

Below is the relevant HTML and CSS:

    vertical-align:  top;
    text-align:      left;
    font-family:     "Arial";
    font-style:      normal;
    font-size:       0.9em;
    background:      url('/pages/home/intro_image.jpg');
    background-size: 100%;
    width:           100%;

    width:            50%;
    padding:          0px;
    margin-top:       2em;
    border:           solid thin grey;
    border-radius:    0.5em;
    box-shadow:       black 0.5em 0.5em 0.3em;
    background-color: white;
    padding:          1em;
    position:         relative;

    overflow: scroll;

    <tr class="content">
        <td class="content" colspan="2">
            <table class="content_document">
                    <td class="content_text_cell">
                            This is a simple test

Answer №1

Adding the image as a background image won't achieve the desired result.
However, if you place an img element inside the table cell, then the cell height will adjust to the image height.

Check out this Fiddle instance.

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