Mastering the precise placement of Angular-UI Bootstrap popovers: A step-by-step guide

I have created a simple Angular-UI popover in my application. However, the predefined popover-placement options are not meeting my requirements. I want the placement of my popover to be at the bottom, as indicated in my HTML notes below. Unfortunately, the element to which this popover is attached is positioned at the left edge of the screen, causing half of it to extend off-screen. Is there a way to explicitly set left: 0px, for instance, so that I can still position this popover at the bottom without it going off-screen? Another possibility would be to use popover-placement='right', but this is not ideal as it may cover other content.

<img ng-src="/images/{{player.status}}.png" alt="" id="status" popover='{{player.detail}}' popover-title='Player Status: {{player.detailedStatus}}' popover-trigger='mouseenter' popover-placement='bottom'>

Answer №1

Experiment with attributes excluding the "popover" prefix. Based on my observation of the directive source, it seems that the prefix is unnecessary.

.directive( 'popoverPopup', function () {
  return {
    restrict: 'EA',
    replace: true,
    scope: { title: '@', content: '@', placement: '@', animation: '&', isOpen: '&' },
    templateUrl: 'template/popover/popover.html'
<img ng-src="/images/{{player.status}}.png" alt="" id="status" data-popover='{{player.detail}}' title='Player Status: {{player.detailedStatus}}' popover-trigger='mouseenter' placement='bottom'>

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