Manipulating the visibility of components by toggling on click events according to the existing state in ReactJS

Disclosure: I am still getting familiar with ReactJS

I'm currently working on incorporating a dialog window for selecting a country/language on the initial page of my application.

Here's the concept:

  • There's a small flag button in the top right corner that users can click (CountryFlag)
  • Upon clicking, a dialog box (Dialog) pops up displaying 5 countries (flags), each with 2 language options. Choosing a country (e.g. LA) and language (e.g. lo) results in a specific locale, like lo-LA.

Initially, my dialog box looks like this:

After clicking on the Vietnamese flag, it is expected to change to this:

When the country flag is clicked, I intend for two buttons (divs) to appear at the right side of the flag for selecting a language. To achieve this, I am trying to conditionally add the divs based on the current state associated with the selected language:

<div className="Country-flag-big" onClick={this.selectCountry("KH")} data-country={"KH"} />
{ this.state.countrySelected==="KH" ? <div className="Language-big" onClick={this.selectLocale} data-locale={"km-KH"} >ភាសាខ្មែរ</div> : null }
{ this.state.countrySelected==="KH" ? <div className="Language-big" onClick={this.selectLocale} data-locale={"en-KH"} >English</div> : null }

However, there seems to be an issue as the dialog box opens, almost as if the onClick event has already been triggered and causing a conflict:

Warning: setState(...): Cannot update during an existing state transition (such as within render or another component's constructor). Render methods should be a pure function of props and state; constructor side-effects are an anti-pattern, but can be moved to componentWillMount.

Below is the complete component code:

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import './CountryFlag.css';

var Dialog = React.createClass({
    getInitialState: function () {
        return { countrySelected: "" };


    componentWillUnmount() {

    selectCountry(country) {
        console.log('this is c:', country);
        this.setState({countrySelected: country});

    selectLocale() {
        console.log('this is:', this);

            <div className="Country-dialog-overlay">
                <div className="Country-dialog-inner">
                    <h2>Country > Language</h2>
                    <div className="Country-flag-big" onClick={this.selectCountry("KH")} data-country={"KH"} />
                    { this.state.countrySelected==="KH" ? <div className="Language-big" onClick={this.selectLocale} data-locale={"km-KH"} >ភាសាខ្មែរ</div> : null }
                    { this.state.countrySelected==="KH" ? <div className="Language-big" onClick={this.selectLocale} data-locale={"en-KH"} >English</div> : null }

                    <div className="Country-flag-big" onClick={this.selectCountry("LA")} data-country={"LA"} />
                    { this.state.countrySelected==="LA" ? <div className="Language-big" onClick={this.close} data-locale={"lo-LA"} >ພາສາລາວ</div> : null }
                    { this.state.countrySelected==="LA" ?<div className="Language-big" onClick={this.close} data-locale={"en-LA"} >English</div> : null }

                    <div className="Country-flag-big" onClick={this.selectCountry("MM")} data-country={"MM"} />
                    { this.state.countrySelected==="MM" ? <div className="Language-big" onClick={this.close} data-locale={"my-MM"} >မြန်မာ</div> : null }
                    { this.state.countrySelected==="MM" ? <div className="Language-big" onClick={this.close} data-locale={"en-MM"} >English</div> : null }

                    <div className="Country-flag-big" onClick={this.selectCountry("TH")} data-country={"TH"} />
                    { this.state.countrySelected==="TH" ? <div className="Language-big" onClick={this.close} data-locale={"th-TH"} >ภาษาไทย</div> : null }
                    { this.state.countrySelected==="TH" ? <div className="Language-big" onClick={this.close} data-locale={"en-TH"} >English</div> : null }

                    <div className="Country-flag-big" onClick={this.selectCountry("VN")} data-country={"VN"} />
                    { this.state.countrySelected==="VN" ? <div className="Language-big" onClick={this.close} data-locale={"vi-VN"} >Tiếng việt</div> : null }
                    { this.state.countrySelected==="VN" ? <div className="Language-big" onClick={this.close} data-locale={"en-VN"} >English</div> : null }

var Trigger = () => {
    function showDialog() {
        var div = document.createElement('div');
            <Dialog container={div}/>,

    return (
        <div className="Country-flag" onClick={showDialog} data-country={"VN"} />

class CountryFlag  extends React.Component {
    render() {
        return (
            <Trigger />

export default CountryFlag;

Any insights into why this error is occurring?

Appreciate your help!

Answer №1

When you click on an element and have


You are invoking the function immediately, rather than waiting for the click event. To ensure it only fires when clicked, you can use

onClick={() => this.selectCountry("KH")}

or alternatively, create a bound function that includes the country name, like this:

onClick={this.selectCountry.bind(this, "KH")}

Alternatively, if your elements have data- attributes containing relevant information, you can simplify by using just onClick={this.selectCountry}. In the selectCountry function, you can access the data attribute value like so:

selectCountry(e) {
  let country =;
  // country will be the specified value of the data attribute

Answer №2

<div className="Country-flag-big" onClick={this.selectCountry("KH")} data-country={"KH"} />
code is causing the error.

The correct format should be:

<div className="Country-flag-big" onClick={() => this.selectCountry("KH")} data-country={"KH"} />

at every instance

The issue in your case is that onClick requires a function, but with

, you are actually passing it a value returned by the selectCountry function. Since you are updating a state in selectCountry, the render method is called again and every time render is triggered, selectCountry is evaluated to return the value for onClick. To resolve this, you need to bind the function before passing the value.

Update your render function as follows:

        <div className="Country-dialog-overlay">
            <div className="Country-dialog-inner">
                <h2>Country > Language</h2>
                <div className="Country-flag-big" onClick={() => this.selectCountry("KH")} data-country={"KH"} />
                { this.state.countrySelected==="KH" ? <div className="Language-big" onClick={this.selectLocale} data-locale={"km-KH"} >ភាសាខ្មែរ</div> : null }
                // Add more similar blocks for other countries


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