`Manipulating appearance with jQuery`

I am looking for a way to dynamically set CSS styles to certain elements using jQuery based on the background color of a specific div with an id of "TestDiv". This functionality is crucial due to our website's theme engine that allows users to change colors using a color palette.

        #hdr-nav-wrapper ul li:hover a{ 
        #hdr-nav-wrapper ul a:hover{ 

When appending a navigation bar to the top of the site, I want its background color to match the current background color of "TestDiv". How can I achieve this dynamic adjustment in jQuery?

Answer №1

To simplify the swapping of background colors, utilize jQuery's .hover() and .css() functions. It is recommended to encompass the <a> tag within a "display-block" element to match the dimensions of the <li>. This way, you can easily add or remove the background color from the wrapper element without saving the previous color state for mouseout.

For a demonstration, check out this jsFiddle demo.

Here is the HTML:

<div id="TestDiv" style="background-color: blue;">&nbsp;</div>

The CSS:

li {
    background-color: orange;

And finally, the jQuery code:

$('ul li').hover(function() { 
    var $el = $(this).find('div');
    if($el.length > 0) {
        $el.css('background-color', $('#TestDiv').css('background-color'));
}, function() {
    var $el = $(this).find('div');
    if($el.length > 0)

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