Managing excess space in a flexbox: Tips for handling events

Is there a way to manage events triggered by clicking on the violet-colored space around elements? I tried adding a general onclick event to the container, but it seems to be interfering with the individual item behaviors that already have their own internal onclick handlers. Are there any alternative solutions?


<Grid onClick={ClickHandler} container direction="row">
  <Grid item>
    // Filter Screen that has buttons, checkboxes
  <Grid item>

The issue arises because the container's ClickHandler is overriding all the clickhandlers of the filter screen. Unfortunately, this approach was not successful in resolving the problem.

Answer №1

Utilizing the stopPropagation() method from the Event interface can halt the continuation of the current event throughout both the capturing and bubbling phases. While this method does not interfere with default behaviors, such as processing checkbox clicks.

<Grid onClick={handleClick} container direction="row">
  <Grid item onClick={(e) => e.stopPropagation()}>
    // A screen that includes buttons and checkboxes for filtering
  <Grid item>

Answer №2

My suggestion is to utilize the concept of using data- attributes within your components. Consider adding a

attribute to your parent container, and check if === "container"
in your click handler. This way, you'll be able to differentiate between clicking on the background or one of the elements. You can even add
to individual components inside the container to handle specific onClick effects for each component.

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