Make a button gradually disappear after being clicked using jQuery

Recently delving into the realm of jQuery, I've encountered a stumbling block with this particular code:

<script src=""></script>
<button class="add">Add</button>

        $("button.add").click(function() {
            $(this).after('<div><button class="remove">Remove</button></div>');

        //Remove items from cart



<div><button class="remove">Remove</button></div>
after the original add button leads to smooth functionality. However, whilst new remove buttons are successfully added using the JS code, deleting them poses an issue.

I'm seeking guidance on resolving this dilemma. Any assistance is appreciated.

Answer №1

Event delegation is a technique used in jQuery.

To explain it simply, when jQuery loads the entire document object model into a variable or object during page startup, it can easily find elements and interact with them using functions. However, if an element is added to the DOM after this initial process, jQuery may not be able to interact with it because it doesn't recognize it.

A quick solution to this issue is:

$( "#parentDivOrElement" ).on( "click", "button.remove", function( event ) {

This code snippet helps jQuery locate the element even after updates have been made to the current DOM. Just make sure to replace #parentDivOrElement with the appropriate ID or class.

For more information on event delegation, you can visit:

Answer №2


$(body).on('click', 'button.remove', function(){
// perform a specific action

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