Maintain visibility of Bootstrap side menu

I noticed on the Bootstrap website there is a sidebar with sticky links that stay in view as you scroll. They also highlight each menu item when it's in view. I've tried replicating this on my own website, but can't figure out how to make it work. Any ideas?

Answer №1

Implement the affix JavaScript functionality provided by bootstrap.

To activate this feature, simply add the attribute data-spy="affix" to the element you wish to affix on the page.

For detailed instructions, visit - .

To make use of this, make sure to have either the complete Bootstrap library or bootstrap-affix.js script included in your project files.

In order for the navigation to work correctly, ensure that you update the page markup accordingly and also utilize the Scroll Spy plugin - .

Answer №2

To achieve the desired effect, adjust the "position" property of the sidebar container from relative to absolute when it aligns with the top of the window. Implement a JavaScript event listener to monitor the scroll bar accordingly.

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