Maintain the text layout when copying and pasting from the Angular Application

After noticing that copying and pasting text from an Angular Application to a text editor like Microsoft Word results in losing the original format, I decided to investigate further.

An example I used was the angular material website:

When pasted into Microsoft Word:

This means that the copied text loses center alignment, color, and font type settings.

I am wondering if there is a way to maintain the website's format. Even though the font used by Angular Material may be different from that of a text editor, are there other aspects like alignment and color that can be preserved?

I have recently started a project using Angular 8 + Angular Material and encountered this same issue.

Answer №1

It's unlikely that a simple copy and paste will achieve the desired result.

Reasons why your expectations may not be met:

Copying from MS Word, for instance, results in Rich Text, where formatting is embedded in the data. This styling metadata accompanies the text when copied to the clipboard. When pasted into a rich text editor like Wordpress Admin, the editor package translates this metadata into HTML styling.

On the contrary, copying from HTML in browsers extracts only plain text without any "rich" formatting. Browsers utilize external context such as DOM position, tag type, and CSS to display HTML content as seen by users.

Customized Rich Text Copy Mechanisms:

Certain browser extensions in Chrome and Firefox can intercept copy requests, apply formatting, and then save it to the clipboard. Search online for recommendations.

Implementing Rich Text Copy Functionality for Project Users:

This process is more intricate. You must code the following steps (refer to this example):

  1. Determine what the user intends to copy (usually selected text).

  2. Convert the content into rich text format. While basic methods may capture HTML, styles from external CSS won't be included. Tools like Quill MAY provide an option for generating rich text output.

  3. Save the converted text to the user's local clipboard. Avoid manipulating browser functions for this purpose; include a "copy to clipboard" button instead. Use the Clipboard API in most modern browsers.

  4. Obtain user consent before proceeding with these actions, as direct access to the clipboard poses security risks.

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