Maintain the header of a table at the top of the grid as you scroll

Although I know there are multiple ways to write this code, I have attempted (and fixed) it. Since I'm not well-versed in front-end development, I am finding this task to be quite challenging. I discovered that placing the table header within a table itself and setting the table body to scrollable -y worked for me. However, I also need to align columns based on a user's selection from a dropdown menu. If I could find a solution without having to do that, it would greatly enhance the appearance of the table, but so far, I haven't found a fix for it.

      <div v-if="globals.showStructure === true" style="border: 1px solid red; max-height:500px; overflow-y:scroll; position: top;" id="tableContainer2">
        <table class="table table-bordered">
          <ul class="right-click-menu" tabindex="-1" v-if="globals.viewActiveStructMenu === true" ref="activeStructure">
            <li v-on:click="deleteStructure()">Delete</li>
            <li v-on:click="pendStructure()">Pend</li>
          <ul class="right-click-menu" tabindex="-1" v-if="globals.viewPendStructMenu === true" ref="pendStructure">
            <li v-on:click="deleteStructure()">Delete</li>
            <li v-on:click="activateStructure()">Activate</li>
              <th>Your Header Text Here</th>

              <td>Your Data Here</td>

Your CSS can be included here if necessary for styling purposes.

Answer №1

Utilize the new position: sticky property to make elements stick at the top of the page when scrolled over.

To achieve this, specify a top value to set the offset (often 0).

Keep in mind that the sticky property may not work across all browsers and can be buggy within tables:

thead {
  /* position: sticky; and top: 0; are the only needed properties here. The rest is for showcase only. */
  position: sticky;
  top: 0;
  background: red;

th {
  width: 300px;
  height: 50px;

td {
  border: 1px solid yellow;
  height: 200px

Answer №2

Back in the day, I tackled this issue by utilizing a fixed table layout CSS with only one column allowed to expand width. The solution involved using a pair of tables - one for headers and the other for rows, enclosed within a scrollable DIV. Although this method was implemented around 10 years ago, it was tailored to be compatible with IE6.

In the present time, you can achieve a similar effect by applying CSS to your <tbody>, setting overflow-x:none and overflow-y:scroll (or auto for shorter data lists), ensuring that your <tr> elements remain within the <tbody>.

(I've made an edit to include formatting with the code tag to prevent HTML tags from disappearing in the text!)

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