Maintain correct aspect ratio when zooming in the body

I'm facing a challenge with my single-page web application that has fixed width and height. It doesn't scale properly to fit the page at all times.

Scaling based on its width works fine, but I want to achieve scaling from both width and height without stretching it, just fitting it correctly on the page with some extra spacing if needed.

The code below is as far as I've gotten, but it struggles to scale well when adjusting both width and height simultaneously.

var app = $('body');
var appWidth = app.width();
var appHeight = app.height();
var lastWidth = window.innerWidth;
var lastHeight = window.innerHeight;
var currentWidth;
var currentHeight;
var ratio;

app.css('zoom', ratio);


$(window).resize(function() {

function fitToPage() {
  currentWidth = window.innerWidth;
  currentHeight = window.innerHeight;

  if (currentWidth !== lastWidth && currentHeight !== lastHeight) {
    console.log('both width and height changed');
    ratio = currentWidth / appWidth;
    app.css('zoom', ratio);
    lastWidth = window.innerWidth;
    lastHeight = window.innerHeight;
  else if (currentWidth !== lastWidth) {
    console.log('width changed');
    ratio = currentWidth / appWidth;
    app.css('zoom', ratio);
    lastWidth = window.innerWidth;
  else if (currentHeight !== lastHeight) {
    console.log('height changed');
    ratio = currentHeight / appHeight;
    app.css('zoom', ratio);
    lastHeight = window.innerHeight;
html {
  background-color: red;
body {
  background-color: gray;
  width: 960px;
  height: 540px;
<script src=""></script>

  <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
  <script src=""></script>
  <h1>This content shrinks once it's scaled</h1>
  <img src="" />
  <p>This shouldn't get cut off once it's scaled</p>

Answer №1

Once the width surpasses 960px, all if-else conditions become invalid, ceasing the scaling process.

To observe this in action, feel free to replicate it in your browser console. I've included a specific case for exceeding the 960px threshold.

function adjustPage() {
  console.log("ratio: " + ratio);
  console.log("appwidth: " + appWidth);
  console.log("curwidth: " + currentWidth);
  console.log("curheight: " + currentHeight);
  console.log("appheight: " + appHeight);
  currentWidth = window.innerWidth;
  currentHeight = window.innerHeight;

  if (appWidth > currentWidth && appHeight > currentHeight) {
      console.log('both dimensions exceeded');
      ratio = currentWidth / appWidth;
      app.css('zoom', ratio);
  } else if (appWidth > currentWidth) {
      console.log('only width exceeded');
      ratio = currentWidth / appWidth;
      app.css('zoom', ratio);
  } else if (appHeight > currentHeight) {
      console.log('only height exceeded');
      ratio = currentHeight / appHeight;
      app.css('zoom', ratio);
  } else if (appWidth < currentWidth) {
      ratio = currentWidth / appWidth;
      app.css('zoom', ratio);
      console.log('smaller width case');


Answer №2

Uncertain, however, if you focus solely on the width of the window and maintain a body with the same height/width ratio, CSS can assist:

(height may overflow html)

html {
  background-color: red;
  padding-top:56.25%;/* 54/96=0.5625 */
body {
  background-color: gray;
<h1>Test App</h1>

To comprehend how this functions, refer to:


The percentage is calculated in relation to the width of the generated box's containing block, even for 'padding-top' and 'padding-bottom'. If the containing block's width depends on this element, then the resulting layout is undefined in CSS 2.1.

You can also prevent the box from exceeding the window's height:

(box will not overflow the window)

html {
  margin: 5vh auto;
html:before {
body {
  /* makeup*/
keep my ratio & inside window

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