Ensure your mobile site is optimized for full width display

Imagine a webpage with a fixed width of 1280px.

Is there a way to instruct a smartphone to automatically scale this page to full width upon loading?

Currently, I am using:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=1280, initial-scale=1">

However, it doesn't appear to be effective. Are there any foolproof solutions available?

Answer №1

The parameter initial-scale=1 signifies that the webpage will be displayed at its actual size. Simply remove this parameter.

Answer №2

In case your website has a set width, utilizing this code can be beneficial:

<meta name="viewport" content='width=1280' />

Answer №3

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1,maximum-scale=1,user-scalable=no">

Answer №4

I encountered similar issues with this problem, despite adding meta tags and ensuring all widths were correct. It wasn't until I came across a CSS reset that I found a solution. Have you considered using one as well? I found this particular CSS reset helpful in clearing the browser's default styling before incorporating your own code:

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