Looking to enhance the size of pagination icons for previous and next pages on a Material-UI React table?

I am looking to adjust the size of the previous page and next page icons in a material table implemented in React. Below is the code snippet:

localization = 
  { { body   : {} 
    , toolbar: { searchTooltip: 'Search'} 
    , pagination: 
      { labelRowsSelect   : 'rows'
      , labelDisplayedRows: ' {from}-{to} of {count}'
      , firstTooltip      : 'First Page'
      , previousTooltip   : 'Previous Page'
      , nextTooltip       : 'Next Page'
      , previousLabel     : '<'
      , nextLabel         : '>'
      , size              : "lg"
      , lastTooltip       : 'Last Page'
  } } } 

Answer №1

Your query has been resolved Here.

The TablePagination Component in Material-UI allows you to utilize the ActionsComponent prop, which includes a default TablePaginationActions component if not specified.

By creating your custom ActionsComponent, you can customize the IconButton component styles using the iconStyle prop.

Check out this example of a customized ActionsComponent from the Material-UI documentation:

function TablePaginationActions(props) {

  const handleFirstPageButtonClick = event => {
    onChangePage(event, 0);

  const handleBackButtonClick = event => {
    onChangePage(event, page - 1);

  const handleNextButtonClick = event => {
    onChangePage(event, page + 1);

  const handleLastPageButtonClick = event => {
    onChangePage(event, Math.max(0, Math.ceil(count / rowsPerPage) - 1));

  return (
    <div className={classes.root}>
        disabled={page === 0}
        aria-label="first page"
        {theme.direction === 'rtl' ? <LastPageIcon /> : <FirstPageIcon />}
      <IconButton onClick={handleBackButtonClick} disabled={page === 0} aria-label="previous page">
        {theme.direction === 'rtl' ? <KeyboardArrowRight /> : <KeyboardArrowLeft />}
        disabled={page >= Math.ceil(count / rowsPerPage) - 1}
        aria-label="next page"
        {theme.direction === 'rtl' ? <KeyboardArrowLeft /> : <KeyboardArrowRight />}
        disabled={page >= Math.ceil(count / rowsPerPage) - 1}
        aria-label="last page"
        {theme.direction === 'rtl' ? <FirstPageIcon /> : <LastPageIcon />}

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