I am faced with a challenge - I have come across a website for which I do not possess the source code. Despite this, I am attempting to make external changes by inserting HTML snippets before certain div tags in order to modify the appearance of the site.
One such div is set up like this:
<div class="absolute zoom-image hidden group-hover:block top-0 border-2 border-[#f3f3f3] overflow-hidden bg-white" style="width: 721px;height: 541px;left: 721px;z-index: 50;"> CONTENT HERE </div>
My goal is to adjust its positioning by changing left:753px, but I am unable to define new classes as I would typically do in other scenarios.
My attempt so far involves using the following code snippet:
left:753px !important;
Unfortunately, applying pseudo classes in this manner does not yield the desired results. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can achieve this modification?
To clarify further:
The issue at hand is that I cannot directly edit the initial div provided. Instead, I must find a way to apply additional code externally to effect the necessary change using !important. As mentioned earlier, I lack access to the source code and therefore cannot make direct edits. My only option is to insert free-form HTML code somewhere within the page. How can I go about achieving my objective without the ability to reference tags or IDs within the div? The solution must be a code snippet that targets the specific class. I hope this explanation clarifies the situation.