A BIT OF HISTORY Some years back, I created my initial Weebly website for my business at www.smehelper.com. The mobile version used to look fantastic!
CHANGES OVER TIME However... about a year ago, Weebly made some alterations (I'm not sure what exactly), and ever since then, no matter what CSS tricks I've attempted to implement, I can't seem to get it to budge.
BEGINNER'S APOLOGIES Sorry if I'm not using the correct terminology; I work in Marketing and specialize in Lead Generation, but I always enjoy learning new things. Visit www.smehelper.com.
SOURCE CODE Below is ALL the CSS code. Apologies for being a newbie - Let me know if you require any additional code/files. 👍
/*CSS code*/
ul, ol, li, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, pre, form, body, html, p, blockquote, fieldset, input{margin:0; padding:0}
/*more styles here*/
MY EFFORTS SO FAR I attempted to override various css properties using !important declaration.
I suspect that either: a) I am targeting the wrong css selectors or b) I need to incorporate HTML scripts or c) It might not be achievable through Weebly's Manual CSS customization
.wsite-mobile-menu a:hover, #active a{
background-position:0 100%;!important
color:blue/*txt hover color*/;!important