``Look at that cool feature - a stationary header and footer that stay in place

I'm seeking advice on how to design a website with a fixed header and footer that remain consistent across all pages, with only the content area altering. I've come across a site as an example - , but couldn't figure out how it was done even after looking at the source code. Any help would be appreciated.

Answer ā„–1

$(".menu_two").on("click", function(){

Explore the power of JQuery's load() method.

Answer ā„–2

If you want to avoid refreshing your header and footer while only updating the content area, using an iframe can help achieve that.

To implement this, create a page where the header and footer remain constant, with the content area containing the iframe.

By utilizing JavaScript, you can dynamically change the source of the iframe based on menu clicks. Here is a helpful resource for reference:

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