Lock in the top row (header row)

In a node.js application: How can I lock the top row of a table in place, similar to Excel's freeze panes feature?

I think this might involve using some CSS styling, but I'm not exactly sure how to achieve it. When I tried using fixed, the entire table was frozen instead of just the top row. This meant that when new items appeared below the visible area of the browser window, no vertical scroll bars were shown to access them. Using sticky didn't seem to work either.


#one {
  position: fixed;
  top: 100px;
  left: 15px;


<div className="row" id="one">
            <table className="table-hover">

Answer №1

Looking for a way to create an Excel-like fixed table head? One solution involves using the position: sticky; property, which is both classy and practical. Simply click on the first row to make it stick:

th, td {
    width: 100px;
    height: 100px;
    background-color: #eee;
    text-align: center;
    border-bottom: 2px solid transparent;
tr.sticks {
    cursor: pointer;
tr.stuck th {
    position: sticky;
    top: 0px;
    border-bottom: 2px solid #000;
        <tr class="sticks" onclick='this.className = this.className == "sticks" ? "sticks stuck" : "sticks";'>
            <th> Name </th>
            <th> Amount </th>
            <th> Date </th>
            <th> Color </th>
            <td> A </td>
            <td> B </td>
            <td> C </td>
            <td> D </td>
            <td> A </td>
            <td> B </td>
            <td> C </td>
            <td> D </td>
            <td> A </td>
            <td> B </td>
            <td> C </td>
            <td> D </td>
            <td> A </td>
            <td> B </td>
            <td> C </td>
            <td> D </td>
            <td> A </td>
            <td> B </td>
            <td> C </td>
            <td> D </td>
            <td> A </td>
            <td> B </td>
            <td> C </td>
            <td> D </td>

If you prefer a JavaScript approach, there's another option that provides more usability. This method allows multiple rows to be stuck at the top of the table. Once again, simply click on a row to stick it:

td {
    width: 100px;
    height: 100px;
    background-color: #eee;
    text-align: center;
    border-bottom: 2px solid transparent;
#table-head {
    top: 0px;
    position: fixed;
#table-head td {
    border-bottom: 2px solid #000;
    background-color: #ddd;
<table id="table">
    <thead id="table-head"></thead>
    <tbody id="table-body">
        <tr onclick="stick_it(this);">
            <td> A </td>
            <td> B </td>
            <td> C </td>
            <td> D </td>
        <tr onclick="stick_it(this);">
            <td> A </td>
            <td> B </td>
            <td> C </td>
            <td> D </td>
        <tr onclick="stick_it(this);">
            <td> A </td>
            <td> B </td>
            <td> C </td>
            <td> D </td>
        <tr onclick="stick_it(this);">
            <td> A </td>
            <td> B </td>
            <td> C </td>
            <td> D </td>
        <tr onclick="stick_it(this);">
            <td> A </td>
            <td> B </td>
            <td> C </td>
            <td> D </td>
        <tr onclick="stick_it(this);">
            <td> A </td>
            <td> B </td>
            <td> C </td>
            <td> D </td>
        <tr onclick="stick_it(this);">
            <td> A </td>
            <td> B </td>
            <td> C </td>
            <td> D </td>
        <tr onclick="stick_it(this);">
            <td> A </td>
            <td> B </td>
            <td> C </td>
            <td> D </td>
<script type="text/javascript">
    var table_head = document.getElementById("table-head");
    var table_body = document.getElementById("table-body");
    var stick_it = function(el) {
        var row_html = el.outerHTML.replace("stick_it(this);", "unstick_it(this);");
        table_head.innerHTML += row_html;
        table.style.paddingTop = table_head.children.length * 104 + "px";
    var unstick_it = function(el) {
        var row_html = el.outerHTML.replace("unstick_it(this);", "stick_it(this);");
        table_body.innerHTML += row_html;
        table.style.paddingTop = table_head.children.length * 104 + "px";

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