Locating the CSS pixel value without being affected by the browser's zoom settings

Check out this JS fiddle I created to illustrate my issue. As you zoom in and out of the browser page, the value of max-width that appears in the console keeps changing. However, in the CSS code it is always set to 500px. How can I retrieve the original CSS value of max-width, such as 500px, regardless of whether the page is zoomed in or not?


Answer №1

After exploring different options, I ultimately turned to a helpful JavaScript plugin found (here)[https://github.com/yonran/detect-zoom/] that allows for detecting the zoom level. To calculate the original CSS value, I simply multiplied by the zoom level:

parseFloat($('div').css('max-width')) * zoomLevel

For example, if the browser was zoomed in at a level of 2:

250 * 2

This calculation would return the original pixel value of 500px.

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