LitElement - Exclude attribute when value is false

Is there a way to display these three options differently:

<my-el someValue="a"></my-el>
<my-el someValue="b"></my-el>

Notice the absence of the attribute someValue on the third element.

To achieve this normally, I usually do:

render() {
  const someValue = "a";

  return html`
    <my-el someValue=${someValue}></my-el>

However, if someValue is undefined, the rendering would be

<my-el someValue="undefined"></my-el>
, which is not desired.

Is there a way to have an approach similar to booleans for falsy values but displaying the value for truthy ones? I have looked at the documentation, but I might be overlooking something.

I wish to implement this in order to have a CSS selector that affects all elements with [someValue], no matter what the actual value is, but excludes those without it.

P.S., I am familiar with solutions like using :not([someValue=undefined]) or returning conditional HTML. Please refrain from suggesting those. While I currently use one of them, I am looking for a direct solution to my question in hopes of replacing it with cleaner code. Thank you.

Answer №1

To achieve this, you have the option of utilizing the ifDefined directive. When dealing with AttributeParts, it will add the attribute if the someValue is defined and remove the attribute if the someValue is undefined. Furthermore, you can enhance this by incorporating a ternary operator to handle any falsy values as well:

import {ifDefined} from 'lit-html/directives/if-defined';

return html`
   <my-el someValue=${ifDefined(someValue ? someValue : undefined)}></my-el>

Answer №2

Latest Update for 2023 in Lit2

Check out this link for more information on conditionally rendering nothing in Lit documentation.

import { html, nothing } from 'lit';

return html`<my-el some-value=${someValue || nothing}></my-el>`

If the value of someValue is truthy, only then will the some-value attribute be rendered.

(The attribute has been written in kebab-case for clarity and easier understanding.)

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