What is the syntax for accessing this selector using child/parent notation?

Hello, I'm trying to figure out how to access the text object using the child parent CSS selector notation.


For example, if $(#mydivID > svg) would get my SVG object which has no class name or ID, then how would I access the text object? Would it be something like $(.x axis > g > text)? I'm not entirely sure.

I am currently working with D3, but both jQuery and D3 can utilize similar notation for selectors. Since more people are familiar with jQuery, I thought asking here might yield an adequate answer to my question.

Answer №1

To target the correct elements in CSS, you should use the selector .x.axis > g > text.

UPDATE: After further discussion with ajp15243, it has been pointed out that the previous selector will capture all the text elements within g elements directly inside .x.axis. For the specific text element highlighted in the example, you can use this modified selector:

.x.axis > g:nth-child(2) > text

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