Liquid 960: Bizarre Alpha/Omega Phenomenon

Currently, I am working with Fluid 960 and encountering some unexpected behavior with alpha/omega. Typically, I utilize alpha/omega to adjust left and right margins within nested grids.

Oddly enough, when I use alpha/omega on a set of nested grids, the grid on the left side has a minimal indent while the one on the right side displays a significant right-hand indent (based on visual observations). Can anyone shed light on this issue?

Answer №1

This code snippet is specifically useful for nested grids:

<div class="container_12">
    <div class="grid_2">sidebar</div>
    <div class="grid_6">
        <div class="grid_2 alpha">
        <div class="grid_2">
        <div class="grid_2 omega">
    <div class="grid_2">photo's</div>
    <div class="grid_2">advertisement</div>

Implementation is now functioning as intended.

Answer №2

It seems that nested grids do not function properly in Fluid 960. The widths of the grids are specified as percentages rather than exact pixels.

For example, when a grid_6 translates to 48% of the width, a grid_2 inside grid_6 should be 14.666% * 48%, but it ends up being expected at 14.466%.

I am encountering the same issue and may need to switch back to a non-fluid version. Please advise if there is a solution or if I am misunderstanding something.

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