Link the same CSS file with multiple HTML pages

Currently, I am in the process of creating an external CSS file specifically for my homepage. The only issue I am encountering is that while I know how to resolve this problem for one HTML page, I am uncertain about how to address it for other pages.

For instance, on the "Contact" page, I have included the following code in the head section:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="test.css"/>

However, I would like to link the other pages to this CSS file as well. Could you please provide guidance on how to achieve this?

Answer №1

To ensure consistency, style your web pages in the same manner. Place the following code between the <head></head> tags of each page:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="test.css" />

You can organize your CSS file by using comments to separate sections, like this:

/*   General  */
    .header{ width:50px;etc.}
    .nav {width:50px;etc}

/*  Home Page Only  */
    #mainPic {width:50px;etc}
    #somethingElse {width:50px;etc}

/*  Page 2  */
    .img {width:50px;etc}
    #menu {width:50px;etc}

Keep in mind that if you have elements with the same name on different pages, the styling for the second one will take precedence:

/*  Home Page Only  */
    #mainPic {width:50px;}
    #somethingElse {width:50px;etc}

/*  Page 2  */
    .img {width:50px;etc}
    #mainPic {width:333px;}

In the example above, both instances of #mainPic will be styled with a width of 333px. Therefore, only use identical ID or class names for elements with consistent styling. If the styling differs, modify one of the names:

    #mainPic2 {width:333px;}

Answer №2

Embedding the CSS link in every individual page might seem like a tedious task. A more efficient approach would be to develop a standalone header file, which can be easily added to each page's code, saving time and avoiding duplication.

Answer №3

When saving the file, make sure to save it with a `.css` extension and then you can easily link it to any of your HTML pages by adding this line of code:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<name_of_css_file>.css">

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