If the element contains a specific class, then remove that class and apply a new

Encountering an issue here. I have 4 HTML elements structured like this:

    <!-- Light Color Scheme - Header False and Show Faces True -->
        <div class="fb-like-box h-f_dsf-t visible" data-href="http://www.facebook.com/pages/Alpine-Adaptive-Scholarship-Program/344942928870040?fref=ts" data-width="292" data-show-faces="true" data-stream="true" data-header="false" colorscheme="light"></div>

Although they are in various variations. For instance, one could have header true and show faces true with a unique class ".h-t_dsf-t". My goal is for the JavaScript to determine which one is active and which one isn't, allowing only one element to have the .visible class at a time while others have the .invisible class.

Thank you in advance!

My JavaScript focuses on the Show Faces Button(currently, .sf-no.click doesn't contain any content yet, but it will in the future. Right now, I'm focusing on getting it to work for the yes button first.)

// Show Faces
$(document).ready(function() {
        function() {
            $('.sf-yes').removeClass('btn-not-active btn-active').addClass('btn-active');
            $('.sf-no').removeClass('btn-not-active btn-active').addClass('btn-not-active');
            // Show Faces Yes &&& Show Header No
            if ($('.sf-yes.sh-no').hasClass('.btn-active')) {
            // Show Faces Yes &&& Show Header Yes
            if ($('.sf-yes.sh-yes').hasClass('.btn-active')) {
            // Show Faces No &&& Show Header Yes
            if ($('.sf-no.sh-yes').hasClass('.btn-active')) {
            // Show Faces No &&& Show Header No
            if ($('.sf-no.sh-no').hasClass('.btn-active')) {
        function() {
            $('.sf-no').removeClass('btn-not-active btn-active').addClass('btn-active');
            $('.sf-yes').removeClass('btn-not-active btn-active').addClass('btn-not-active');

Answer №1


must be


excluding the period .

Answer №2

Your code contains a few issues that need to be addressed. When adding or removing classes, avoid including the full stop symbol "." before the class name. This mistake is present in instances of .hasClass, removeClass, and addClass.

Furthermore, your conditional statements appear to be conflicting. It seems like you may have intended for elements with classes .sf-yes and .sh-no to be separate, but your jQuery statement is looking for an element with both classes.

Additionally, it's important to note that using unique IDs like #sf-yes is preferred over class selectors. If multiple class selectors are necessary, consider assigning them to variables at the beginning of your function call.

Lastly, it's advisable not to categorize this as a Facebook question since your code pertains specifically to jQuery and not Facebook-related functionalities.

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