Leveraging src css within the React public directory

I have set up my React application to import a stylesheet from the src folder using import './css/styles.css' at the top of App.js.

In the public folder, I have created a basic /docs/index.html file that is linked to from the React app but operates independently without any JavaScript.

Is there a way within the header of this HTML file to link to the same /css/styles.css file located in the src folder, ensuring it works seamlessly both during development and build stages? Or should I create a separate stylesheet file for this scenario?

Answer №1

<link rel="stylesheet" href="%CUSTOM_URL%/styles.css">

The %CUSTOM_URL% placeholder in the file path will automatically be substituted with the appropriate custom URL when you launch your React project or compile it for deployment.

Once these adjustments are applied, the index.html file within the public directory will correctly link to the CSS file, ensuring proper functionality throughout development and post-production.

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