Leveraging LESS variables within media queries

After inputting the less code below into :

@item-width: 120px;
@num-cols: 3;
@margins: 2 * 20px;
@layout-max-width: @num-cols * @item-width + @margins;

@media (min-width: @layout-max-width) {
    .list {
      width: @layout-max-width;

The resulting CSS shows:

@media (min-width: 3 * 120px + 40px) {
  .list {
    width: 400px;

An issue arises with the variable @layout-max-width producing an expression within the media query, which is not desired. However, it generates the correct value of 400px for the width property, which is what is intended in the media query as well.

Is there a defined syntax in LESS that allows me to achieve the desired outcome?

If not, are there any alternative methods to address this concern?

Answer №1

Mathematical Settings Requirement

In the realm of LESS, it is an essential requirement that mathematical operations are enclosed within parentheses (strict-math=on). Hence, for accurate calculation, your variables must be wrapped around the values as shown below:

@total-width: (@columns * @width + @margins);

By adhering to this guideline, the output of your original code will align with your expectations.

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