Leverage scope variables and dynamic CSS properties when using ngClass

Is there a way to manipulate the CSS dynamically in HTML using a scope variable?

<div ng-class="myClassScope, { 'dynamic-class': !ifIsNot }">

Answer №1

When you want your myClassScope to be consistently applied, consider using ng-class in the following manner:

<div class="myClassScope" ng-class="{'dynamic-class': !ifIsNot }">

Answer №2

Is this the option you are looking for?

<div ng-class="{ 'custom-style': !myStyleScope }">


If you are trying to apply multiple ng-class directives, it may not function as expected. Take a look at this example

To implement two ng-class directives, you can either nest the elements or bind to the class attribute:

<div ng-class="style_one">
    <div ng-class="{ 'style_two': !style_two }">style_two</div>
<div class="{{style_one}}" ng-class="{ 'style_two': !style_two }">style_three</div>

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