What is the process of generating a popup panel without relying on libraries, using JavaScript and CSS?

I'm currently working on creating a popup panel that is centered on the screen with rounded corners (scrollbars are unnecessary) using jQuery min, similar to this example:


My progress so far:

  function (package){

    document.addEventListener('click', function(e)
    var node1 = $("#make_it_easy_styles");
    var node2 = $("#make_it_easy_panel");
    if ( node1.length ) node1.remove();
    if ( node2.length ) node2.remove();

    $("html > head").append("<style id=make_it_easy_styles>div#make_it_easy_panel { float:left; position: relative; left:10%; top:20%; border-radius: 2em; font-family:'Arial Black'; font-size:13px; }</style>\n\r");      
    $("body").append("<div id=make_it_easy_panel></div>");
    var level = elements.length;
    for (var level = elements.length; 
        level>1 ; 
      $('div#make_it_easy_panel ul').append("<li>" + elements.collection[level].tag + "</li>\r\n");


Why am I not able to see the popup? I tested this in the debugger and did not find any errors. Additionally, I would like to know how to hide or remove the panel when the user clicks outside of the div. Any suggestions?

Answer №1

    var count = items.length;
    for (var index = items.length; 
        index > 1 ; 
      $('div#easy_section ul').append("<li>" + items.list[index].tag + "</li>\r\n");

Perhaps a better approach would be to replace


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