Layer a div on top of another when a button is clicked

I am currently working on a project that involves two visualizations placed in different divs. My goal is to overlay one div over another when a button is clicked so that they can be compared, and then separate them again with another button click. Does anyone have any code snippets or links that could help me achieve this? I have been experimenting with the following javascript function:

function ShowOverlay(divID, xCoordinate, yCoordinate) {
    var divObject = document.getElementById(divID); = "visible"; = xCoordinate; = yCoordinate;

Answer №1

It is recommended to utilize absolute or relative positioning.

If the position attribute is not defined as absolute or relative, then setting style.left and will not have any impact.

The script below enables the elements to be repositioned (you just need to determine the coordinates:

function AdjustPosition(divID, xCoordinate, yCoordinate) {

    var divElement = document.getElementById(divID); = "visible"; = xCoordinate; = yCoordinate; = "absolute";


To revert it, simply reset the position to static: = "static";

Answer №2

Check out this straightforward demonstration of moving three divs on top of each other with a button click. HTML code

<div class="container">
 <div class = "circlea"><h2>link</h2></div>
 <div class = "circleb"><h2>link</h2></div>
 <div class = "circlec"><h2>link</h2></div>
 <button >click me</button>

 position: absolute;
 transition: all 1s ease-in-out;

 background-color:rgba( 20, 155, 138 );

 background-color:rgba( 155, 20, 144 );

 background-color:rgba( 24, 155, 20);









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