Large background images on websites often appear pixelated

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I've noticed that the background image appears blurry on my screen, despite its size being 1920 x 1080 px. I've tried using a jquery script to manage this background issue as all of the CSS methods have provided unsatisfactory results in one way or another.

Does anyone know how to resolve this blurriness problem?

Answer №1

position: fixed;

background-image: url(bg2.jpg);
background-size: cover;
-webkit-filter: blur(12px);
-moz-filter: blur(5px);
-o-filter: blur(5px);
-ms-filter: blur(5px);
 filter: blur(5px);
z-index: 0;

This code snippet has been effective in creating a blurred background image with proper positioning for my project. I would recommend giving it a try.

Answer №2

Thanks for getting back to me! I was able to identify the problem: it turns out that the Adaptive Images script was causing issues along with the .htaccess file, which was automatically resizing all of my images. Thankfully, everything is working smoothly now! Thank you! :-)

Answer №3

This is a common issue that I encounter frequently as well.

When the image is not in HD with a low pixel rate, it causes each pixel to be seen separately by your eyes, resulting in a blurry effect. It's not a problem with your code. If you took the picture yourself, consider using a different device for better quality. If you found it online, try adding the keyword "HD" to your search query.

If the image appears clearer when opened on its own and enlarged to full screen, then you can upload it to your code as a higher resolution file.

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