Label stops functioning properly when there is a line-height exceeding 1

The problem arises when the line-height of a paragraph is set to more than 1em and the label tag doesn't work properly between lines.

<p style="line-height: 2em;"><input type="checkbox" id="xx" /> 
<label for="xx">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec feugiat quis magna sed varius. Suspendisse scelerisque cursus nunc et pulvinar. In nec metus dolor. Fusce blandit leo quis nulla scelerisque dignissim. Mauris fermentum diam sed metus venenatis pellentesque. Maecenas tellus lacus, condimentum in nibh et, ornare pharetra felis. Fusce mollis libero nisl, eu sodales mauris sagittis id.

View example here: jsfiddle

Is there any solution to this issue?

Answer №1

There's a unique method I came across that involves wrapping the entire paragraph with a label, although I'm uncertain of its validity in various HTML versions.

<label for="xx">
    <p style="line-height: 2em;">
        <input type="checkbox" id="xx" /> ...

Check out the demo here:

Answer №2

When the label for="" syntax is not needed, you can implement the following method.


<p style="line-height: 2em;">
    <input type="checkbox" id="xx" />
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec feugiat quis magna sed varius. Suspendisse scelerisque cursus nunc et pulvinar. In nec metus dolor. Fusce blandit leo quis nulla scelerisque dignissim. Mauris fermentum diam sed metus venenatis pellentesque. Maecenas tellus lacus, condimentum in nibh et, ornare pharetra felis. Fusce mollis libero nisl, eu sodales mauris sagittis id. Maecenas semper nisi et augue imperdiet rutrum. Vivamus at viverra metus! Quisque eleifend cursus massa, sed facilisis diam ultrices ac. Nulla facilisi. Donec auctor adipiscing tellus id interdum. Nullam sodales libero sed lacus consectetur sollicitudin. Maecenas lacinia risus in lectus tincidunt, quis luctus turpis sollicitudin.



View the fiddle.

If you prefer to use the label for="" syntax along with CSS to align the checkbox neatly with the label text, here's an alternative solution:

<p><input type="checkbox" id="xx" />
  <label for="xx">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec feugiat quis magna sed varius. Suspendisse scelerisque cursus nunc et pulvinar. In nec metus dolor. Fusce blandit leo quis nulla scelerisque dignissim. Mauris fermentum diam sed metus venenatis pellentesque. Maecenas tellus lacus, condimentum in nibh et, ornare pharetra felis. Fusce mollis libero nisl, eu sodales mauris sagittis id. Maecenas semper nisi et augue imperdiet rutrum. Vivamus at viverra metus! Quisque eleifend cursus massa, sed facilisis diam ultrices ac. Nulla facilisi. Donec auctor adipiscing tellus id interdum. Nullam sodales libero sed lacus consectetur sollicitudin. Maecenas lacinia risus in lectus tincidunt, quis luctus turpis sollicitudin.



  margin:.5em .5em 0 0;

View the fiddle.

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