Knitting: exporting to HTML file while retaining formatting

Recently discovered the amazing knitr library in R, which looks great when viewed in the viewer. But unfortunately, the style gets lost when saved to an html file.



some.table <- 
  data.frame (
    x = rep(1,3),
    y = rep(1,3)


x <- kable(some.table, format = "html") %>
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = F, position = "left")


file <- file('test.html')
write(x, file)

Table in viewer

Table in browser

How can I export the table with the same style to a html file? Note that I have more data in the html file, so I should be able to append it.

Response to comment(s)
User: @Hao
Using 'inspect element' in Rstudio viewer reveals a link to a stylesheet:

However, the code in this stylesheet seems to be quite large at 582,298 characters.

Answer №1

To simplify this process, consider incorporating the code into an rmarkdown document as it will automate most of the tasks for you.

One scenario where you may need to utilize the save_kable function from kableExtra is when dealing with multiple tables and wanting to store them individually. In such instances, you can implement:

cars %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling() %>%

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