Adjusting label color when input is deactivated in a React application using TypeScript

Is there a way to change the label color in my view when the input is disabled using Typescript or CSS?

This is the interface I am working with:

interface image

Here is the code snippet:

      <td className="name">Critère d'agrégation</td>
      <td className="value column-2">
        { => 
             <label >
             <input type="radio" name="AggregationSelection" 
             value={codedValue.code} checked={props.reportConfig.aggregation === 
             codedValue.code} onChange={updateAggregation} disabled= 


I am currently working with React (typescript) and would appreciate any help on this matter. Thank you!

Answer №1

You may want to consider reordering your code in order to separate input from the label

  <td className="name">Critère d'agrégation</td>
  <td className="value column-2">
    { => 
         <input type="radio" name="AggregationSelection" 
         value={codedValue.code} checked={props.reportConfig.aggregation === 
         codedValue.code} onChange={updateAggregation} disabled= 

         <label >{}</label>

For instance, you can use this example as a reference for styling purposes. It's not specific to react, simply copy the css and apply it to your code

input[type='radio']:disabled+label {
  color: #ccc;
  <input type='radio' name='demo' id='option1' />
  <label for='option1'>Option 1</label>
  <input type='radio' name='demo' id='option2' disabled />
  <label for='option2'>Option 2 (Disabled)</label>
  <input type='radio' name='demo' id='option3' />
  <label for='option3'>Option 3</label>

Answer №2

apply the disabled condition from the label tag to control the color

  <label color={!config?.aggregationEnabled.includes(codedValue.code) ? 'red': 'black'}

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