Keep the div element steady as you scroll to the bottom

Currently, I have a collapsible side navigation whose height is unknown, with a div underneath it. The goal is for the div to change its position to 'fixed' when scrolled to its bottom.

I have successfully achieved this functionality; however, I am facing an issue where when I scroll back to the top, the div remains fixed. I am struggling to find a solution to make it return to a 'static' position at its original point, as I do not know the exact location.

If you would like to see my approach, you can check out this fiddle:

Any assistance or guidance would be greatly appreciated as I am currently stuck.

Answer №1


To ensure smooth animation, it is recommended to declare your variables outside of the scroll() function.

Check out this example

    // Define top offset of static/fixed div
    var staticOffset = $('.static').offset().top;
    // Record window height
    var wpHeight = $(window).height();

    // Determine point when user scrolls to bottom of div
    // Calculation: static/fixed div height + top offset - viewport height
    var threshold = staticOffset + $('.static').height() - wpHeight;

        // If user scrolls below div's bottom (threshold), make it fixed
        if ($(window).scrollTop() > threshold){
        } else {

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