Reducing div size when clicked - Using JQuery version 1.9

I am looking to make a specific div shrink in size, while keeping all the data visible, each time a user clicks on a certain icon with the class legend-icon. For example, I want the div with the ID #Chart to shrink when clicked.

This is the HTML code:

<div id="id1">
  <ul class="nav pull-right">
    <li class="dropdown">
      <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown>
        <i class="legend-icon"></i> <b class="caret"></b>
      <div id="legend_container" class="dropdown-menu">
        <div id="smoother" title="Smoothing"></div><div id="legend"></div>

<div id="in">
   <div id="chart">

    //my data


I have attempted using this jQuery code:

    $("#chart").animate({width: '-=50px',},"slow");

However, it does not seem to be working as expected. The div is not shrinking to -50px. What can I do to achieve the desired effect here?

Answer №1

Can you provide the CSS code for these elements as well?

If you take a look at my demo on jsfiddle, you'll see that it functions exactly as expected. However, please note that it's not using your specific HTML and CSS, but the functionality should be similar.

<a href="#" class="click-me">click me</a>

<div class="animate-me"></div>

.animate-me {
    width: 300px;
    height: 100px;
    background-color: aqua;

    $(".animate-me").animate({width: '-=50px',},"slow");
    return false;

Answer №2

Everything is running smoothly...

You might want to consider using a larger value, depending on the size of your item...

In my case, it's 500px wide and I'm reducing it by 450px...

Check out this example

$("#chart").animate({width: '-=450px',},"slow");

Answer №3

When defining the container's behavior after shrinking, it is important to provide specific instructions. Animat offers numerous controls for customization:

  ... animate(
                            "left":<positionafter shrinking>,
                            "width":["toggle", "swing"]
                            "duration": 0,
                            "step": function( now, fx ){},
                            "complete": function(){

For further information, refer to the documentation on animating elements.

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