`Jump-start Your Development with jQuery Lightbox Centering`

Recently, I implemented a lightbox effect for images on my website. However, I encountered an issue where the lightbox was not centering properly in the window upon initial click. Instead, the lightbox would appear at the bottom of the page on the first click and only align correctly upon subsequent clicks.

First Time Clicking the Image:

Second Time Clicking the Image:

The first time caused alignment issues. The second time did not have any alignment problems (without reloading the page). Javascript:

                jQuery(document).ready(function() {
                    jQuery("img").click(function() {
                          var img_path;               
            if ($(this).parent('a').length) {

                           img_path = $(this).parent('a').prop('href');
                         img_path = $(this).attr('src');

                        jQuery(".cplightbox1").html(jQuery("<img>").attr("src", img_path));
                        jQuery(".cpoutter").css('display', 'block');
                        jQuery('.cpoutter').animate({'opacity': '1'});
                        var cplightbox = document.getElementsByClassName('cplightbox')[0];
                        var cpoutter = document.getElementsByClassName('cpoutter')[0];
                        cplightbox.style.marginTop = ((cpoutter.offsetHeight / 2) - (cplightbox.offsetHeight / 2)) + "px";
                        return false;


Here is the Fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/rCUGD/7/

This script works fine on jsfiddle.net, so there might be an issue with the implementation on my website.

I'm unsure where I went wrong.


Thanks to @JustAnil, here is how the lightbox should look after the second click:

After the second click, it should display normally like this.

Answer №1

Take a look at this functional JSFiddle example.

To achieve the desired result, make adjustments to the code snippet below (specifically where the offset calculation takes place).

Replace the following lines:

 var cplightbox = document.getElementsByClassName('cplightbox')[0];
 var cpoutter = document.getElementsByClassName('cpoutter')[0];
 cplightbox.style.marginTop = ((cpoutter.offsetHeight / 2) - (cplightbox.offsetHeight / 2)) + "px";


var cplightbox = document.getElementsByClassName('cplightbox')[0];

// Obtain the height of the image from the "inner" container
var cplightbox1 = document.getElementsByClassName('cplightbox1')[0]; // New Line

var cpoutter = document.getElementsByClassName('cpoutter')[0];

// Calculate the (negative) offset based on width & height
cplightbox.style.marginLeft = "-"+$(cplightbox1).width() / 2 + "px";
cplightbox.style.marginTop = "-"+$(cplightbox1).height() / 2 + "px";
// ^ Negative offset for vertical and horizontal centering.


Update your CSS as follows:

.cplightbox {
    margin-left: auto;

Change it to:

.cplightbox {

Refer to this post on CSS Vertically & Horizontally Center Div (for centering a div in the middle of the screen).

Adjust your javascript accordingly to calculate the negative offset (depending on the image size [e.g., 50% of width & height])

Check out the working example on JSFiddle.

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