jQuery width property does not seem to be functional on menus that do not contain any dropdown

I am currently working on creating a menu that displays arrows underneath the items when hovered over or when the .active class is added to the menu. Everything is working fine, except for the fact that it only works on menus with drop-downs and the child items of the parent also display the arrows, which is not intended. Please visit my test site if you need to inspect it further.

Here is an example of what I want:

This is what I do not want:

As you can see above, the arrow is missing, which is odd because it appears for the 'Services' item but I don't want it to appear on its children. So, two fixes are needed.

CSS Code:

The CSS code uses absolute positioning and sets the opacity to 0 by default, making the item visible only on hover or click events.


JavaScript Code:

The JavaScript code is supposed to calculate the width of each menu item so that the arrow matches the width accordingly.



Below is the HTML structure without the JavaScript functionality enabled, as enabling it fills in wrong values for widths on menus other than 'Services'.


Answer №1

To ensure your ribbon is correctly positioned beneath the right menu, make sure it is absolutely positioned and its parent element is relatively positioned.

The dropdown position should be on the right side for optimal display.

top-bar-section .has-dropdown {
  position: relative;

If the other menu items are not properly positioned, add position: relative to the following selector:

.top-bar-section ul li {
  float: left;

Implementing the above fix will also automatically resolve any width calculation issues you may encounter.

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