jQuery slide adjusts the width of the slide as it transitions

The script is running smoothly. Check out the jsFiddle here

The issue lies in its width adjustment when sliding (clicking "here"). It seems to be cutting off the width related to a 100px margin-left in #slider.

Why does it seem to "jump" and how can this be resolved? Is there an error within the code?

This code contains a slider within a centered div with content and a sticky footer.

Answer №1

There seems to be an issue with the negative margin on #slider causing it not to display correctly during animation.

If you're facing this problem, check out this solution: http://jsfiddle.net/vyWTL/8/

This approach maintains a constant margin-left of 0px and uses jQuery to determine the appropriate value for left based on the container's width. As the width can be dynamic and change when the viewport is resized, a function is created to handle this calculation on page load and window resize events.

Answer №2

Not quite sure if this meets your requirements, but you can easily configure it as follows:








Then, simply utilize jQuery .slideToggle() for smoother handling of open/closed states:


$("#slide-link").click(function (){



Check out a sample jsFiddle here


Updated to toggle #slide-link along with #slider.

In essence, we animate it based on the visibility of #slider:



        top: $('#global-container').height()-23




        top: '0px'




Here's another slightly hackier way to avoid dealing with the hidden state check each time, reducing redundancy in the .animate function:

Since $('#slider').is(':hidden') is a boolean that translates to 0 or 1, you can simplify it as:

var hid = $('#slider').is(':hidden')


    top: (1-hid)*(contHeight)


Where contHeight represents the difference between #global-container height and #slide-link height.

EDIT 3 Scroll Issue

If I understand your issue correctly, when the content section is filled with a lot of text, it doesn't scroll properly within #slider and extends beyond the page without scrolling capability.

This occurs because .content lacks a fixed height, given our knowledge that the footer is 70px high, and we want .content to occupy the remaining space inside #slider without a predefined height value in its CSS. To address this dynamically in JS:


You can now add:

overflow:hidden; //to prevent horizontal scroll
overflow-y:scroll; //for vertical scroll

I hope this helps clarify things.

Answer №3

.custom-effects-wrapper{  overflow-x: visible !important;  width: 100% !important; }

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