Modifying Row Color in Bootstrap 3: A Step-by-Step Guide

I'm trying to customize the background color of alternating rows in a Bootstrap 3 grid. I attempted to use CSS and add it to the class within the div, but unfortunately, the color isn't changing as expected.

Below is the CSS code I used:

.row-buffer {

.row-even {
.row-odd {

Here's how I defined my rows:

<div class="row row-buffer row-even">


<div class="row row-buffer row-odd">

While the row-buffer style is working perfectly fine, the row-even and row-odd styles don't seem to be taking effect. (Please note that my rows are contained within a container.)

Could someone guide me in the right direction here?

Answer №1

It seems like the issue you are facing could be related to selector specificity. If Bootstrap has a more specific selector than your .class, then it will take precedence over your rule. To override this, you may need to either match or make your selector more specific than Bootstrap.

One way to increase specificity is by adding an id to your selectors, like this:

#myrows .row-even {
#myrows .row-odd {

Here's a simple example demonstrating how specificity can lead to issues:

Answer №2

If you want to customize the color of odd rows in Bootstrap, you can use the following specific selectors:

.table-striped>tbody>tr:nth-child(odd)>th {
    background-color: #your-color;

Answer №3

If you're looking to give alternating rows in a table different background styles or colors, there's a simple solution. You can achieve this by inserting a self-closing tag

    <AlternatingRowStyle CssClass="danger" />

into your table before the data. In an ASP.NET gridview control, place this snippet after the opening gridview tag and before the columns tag.

Once implemented, you'll immediately see the changes take effect thanks to Bootstrap's predefined styling.

I hope this solution proves helpful for anyone facing similar challenges down the road.


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