jQuery script for reversing the collapse/expand feature

Here is a test showcasing an expand/collapse jQuery script. Currently, the div is collapsed on page load and you need to click it to see the content.

Is there a way to change this so that the div is expanded on load and collapses upon clicking?

p.toggler{cursor: pointer;}
span.closeSlider{cursor: pointer;}
.sliderExpanded .collapseSlider{
.sliderExpanded .expandSlider{
function toggleSlides(){
        var id=$(this).attr('id');
        var widgetId=id.substring(id.indexOf('-')+1,id.length);
                var relatedToggler='toggler-'+$(this).parent().attr('id');

<p class="toggler" id="toggler-slideTwo">
    <span class="expandSlider">SHOW</span><span class="collapseSlider">HIDE</span>
<div class="slider" id="slideTwo">
    <p>Slide Two lorem ipsum tupsum...</p>
    <span class="closeSlider">Close</span>

Answer №1

To improve the functionality, try changing .slider{ display:none; } to .slider{ display:block; }, and swap the positions of "SHOW" and "HIDE" texts. While this tweak works well, there might be potential confusion in the code due to class names. It's recommended for you to address this issue :)


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