JQuery hover effect for dynamically added elements

Currently, I am working on a webpage that will trigger an ajax call upon loading. The response data in JSON format will be processed and the elements will then be added to the DOM as shown below:

  type: 'POST',
  url: "http://mysite.dev:32769/getallnews",
  success: function(data){
        .isotope( 'appended', item );

I would like to mention that I am incorporating Metafizzy's Isotope library. More information can be found here.

For demonstration purposes, there is a

<div class="article-block"></div>
present in the DOM initially, with another one appended after the ajax call completes.

The following jQuery code only works for detecting hover on the first div element and not the second:

  //hover on
  $(".article-block div").fadeIn();
  //hover off
  $(".article-block div").fadeOut();

After spending time debugging, I observed that typing $('.article-block'); in the console displays both elements correctly. However, when hovering over the first one, the fade effect occurs, while it does not work for the second one.

Any suggestions or ideas on how to fix this issue?

Answer №1

Order of Operations is Key

When registering your event handler for the initial div upon page load, you are setting a solid foundation. Remember, it's crucial to consider that if new DOM elements are added later on, you will need to apply handlers to those new items as well.

Consider saving a reference to your handlers and applying them at a later time.

function hoverOn() {
    $(".article-block div").fadeIn();
function hoverOff() {
    $(".article-block div").fadeOut();

// initially on page load
$('.article-block').hover(hoverOn, hoverOff);

// Later in an AJAX call
    type: 'POST',
    url: "http://mysite.dev:32769/getallnews",
    success: function (data) {
        $(item).hover(hoverOn, hoverOff); // Register your hover event for the new element.
        $container.append(item).isotope( 'appended', item );

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