JQuery - Enormous Delay in ScrollTop

Currently, I am developing a simple website with JQuery's ScrollTop functionality for the top navigation bar. However, I encountered a specific issue that I can't resolve.

When scrolling down past 50 pixels, the navbar shrinks as intended. But the problem arises when scrolling back up to the top. I implemented an else statement in my code to animate the navbar back to its original size if the scroll position is less than 50. While it does work, there is a noticeable delay of about 10 seconds after reaching the top. I'm baffled as to what could be causing this delay.

This is the JQuery code snippet I'm using:

          if ($(this).scrollTop() > 50) {
              $('.co_name').animate({ fontSize: '22pt', paddingTop: '18px', paddingBottom: '0px'}, 530);
          }  else {
            $('.co_name').animate({ fontSize: '40pt', paddingTop: '80px', paddingBottom: '75px'}, 530);

Although I don't see any issues with this code (given my limited experience with ScrollTop), you can view the entire functioning site at studionice.co/u/flatresponsive.

Does anyone have insights on what might be causing this delay?

Additionally, at times, the initial animation gets delayed when scrolling down. I've worked with JQuery before, and animations are usually swift. Could the delay be due to the additional scripts like Font Awesome, Bootstrap, and Flat UI integrated into my source code?

Answer №1

As you scroll, jQuery may trigger events multiple times leading to long animation durations. For instance, with each scroll triggering a 530-millisecond animation, scrolling down 10 times would require 5.3 seconds. Likewise, scrolling up another 10 times would add an additional 5.3 seconds. To optimize this process, consider implementing a lock mechanism that ensures animations occur only once when scrollTop() is greater than 50 or less than or equal to 50. Here's a sample implementation:

let animateLock = 0;
    if ($(this).scrollTop() > 50) {
        if (animateLock == 0) {
            animateLock = 1;
            $('.co_name').animate({ fontSize: '22pt', paddingTop: '18px', paddingBottom:'0px'}, 530);
    } else {
        if (animateLock == 1) {
            animateLock = 0;
            $('.co_name').animate({ fontSize: '40pt', paddingTop: '80px', paddingBottom: '75px'}, 530);

Please note: This code snippet has not been tested.

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